Housing development plan for period 2021-2025 approved
VGP - Vice Chairman of the Ha Noi People’s Committee Duong Duc Tuan signed Decision No. 1186/QD-UBND, approving the housing development plan for Ha Noi from 2021-2025 on the basis of the local housing Development Program for 2021-2030.

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`The city will strive for a per capita housing size of 29.5 square meters per person, aiming for figures in urban and rural areas of 31 square meters and 28 square meters per person, respectively.
The minimum dwelling size would be 10 square meters per person and the total floor area would be approximately 44 million square meters.
The plan aims to develop about 1.215 million square meters of new social housing, with plans to build 1 to 2 concentrated social housing zones and create detailed planning for another 2-3 zones.
According to the plan, the rate of social housing for rent must adhere to Central Government regulations and account for at least 10% of the social housing area of the project.
The plan targets the development of around 0.555 million square meters of new housing floor for resettlement.
The plan aims to renovate and reconstruct four old residential buildings with Grade D deterioration classification, including Giang Vo, Thanh Cong, Ngoc Khanh, and the office of the Ministry of Justice.
Regarding detached housing, the plan targets the development of approximately 22.5 million square meters of floor space, which is around 4.5 million square meters of floor space per year in Ha Noi.
The city targets to develop residential properties that meet or exceed the total residential floor area target outlined in the Housing Development Plan..